
Merryshine Jewelry, Moment, Faith, Forever.

electroplating 3d printed jewelry

by:Merryshine     2019-11-05
This structure will show you how to print in 3D (ABS)
The object of nickel!
This process takes about 6 hours and does not include the printing time for 3D printing. You will need:-A 3D print (ABS plastic)-Acetone-Graphite powder-Paint brushes-Nickel rod-Nickel acetate-Vinegar -
Supply crocodile clip-
The plastic container model was created in grasshopper, a parameter modeling plug-in used with Rhino 3D modeling software.
You can find the image on which the definition is displayed.
In addition, you can download the STL of the file here.
For this Instructable, I 3D printed the model on Stratasys Mojo with ABS plastic.
You can see how much support material it needs!
Once the print is finished, either remove the stand manually or put it into the base bath.
Once the support is removed, you should get a picture like above.
Be careful though, because sprandels are thin, the model is quite solid.
Now is the time to make a conductive coating!
In order to make this conductive coating, I mixed 1/3 graphite powder with 2/3 acetone.
You can use the brand of graphite powder (
About $10 on Amazon).
Since the graphite is visible everywhere, I put it in a plastic bag.
After you have finished 3D printing, you can start setting up the plating system.
I decided to apply nickel to my print because it was a relatively cheap material.
I used a small power supply of 3 v.
Mix your nickel acetate with vinegar in a large plastic container.
Connect the nickel rod to the positive pole (anode)
Your power supply.
Next, wrap the 3D print covered with graphite with nickel wire and connect it to the negative (cathode)
Power supply.
Place the nickel Rod and 3D print in a solution of nickel acetate.
It should look like the image shown by my rig. It took about 5-
Completely cover the print with nickel for 6 hours.
It\'s best to turn off the power and check the print every once in a while.
Make sure the print is even by rotating the print.
Another suggestion-
Keep the printing time longer, the voltage is lower, not the time is shorter, the voltage is higher.
If you choose a quick route, it will cause \"hot spots\" on the print \"(
This is what I got on some of the original prototypes)
Destroyed the coating.
Once the printing looks completely coated, remove it from the nickel acetate bath and rinse it with water.
Then, with a soft cloth and a little polish (
I used Roman Polish in simesh)
In order to get a good light.
Now you have a beautiful 3D printed jewelry with nickel on it!
Thanks for reading.
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